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You can help prevent corruption
We can all help prevent public sector corruption and make sure public funds are spent properly – maintaining Victoria's schools, hospitals, roads and other vital public services and projects.
How IBAC handles complaints
What we do with your complaint, including how we assess and act on it.
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Protecting the public sector from criminal networks graphic
Tuesday 26 Sep 2023 Protecting the public sector from criminal networks
At IBAC, part of our role is to investigate and stop criminal networks successfully exploiting the Victorian public sector.
Cover up behaviours that mask public sector corruption
Wednesday 20 Sep 2023 Behaviours that mask corruption in the public sector
Through our research and investigations, IBAC has observed a range of behaviours that can allow corruption to go undetected and even flourish in public sector agencies. If they go unchecked, these behaviours enable corruption and misconduct to be covered up or hidden, which impacts the ability to investigate and stop it. This graphic outlines five key patterns of obscuring or 'cover up' behaviour that can occur and that public sector agencies need to guard against. Some of the key ways corruption is concealed include:
Cover up behaviours that mask police misconduct
Wednesday 20 Sep 2023 'Cover up' behaviours that mask police misconduct
Through our research and investigations, IBAC has observed a range of behaviours that can allow misconduct to go undetected and even take hold in policing. If they go unchecked, these behaviours enable misconduct to be covered up or hidden, which impacts the ability to investigate and stop it. This graphic outlines five key patterns of obscuring or 'cover up' behaviour that can occur and that Victoria Police needs to guard against. Some of the key ways police can try to conceal misconduct, include:
IBAC has identified 10 anti-fraud and corruption initiatives that organisations can apply based on the guidance provided in the Standard to prevent fraud and corruption.
Tuesday 11 Jul 2023 Australian Standard on Fraud and Corruption Control
The Australian Standard on Fraud and Corruption Control (AS 8001:2021) is a useful framework for assisting Victorian public sector agencies, local government and Victoria Police to control their fraud and corruption risks across all aspects of their operational and administrative functions.
Image of someone filling out a form online
Saturday 17 Jun 2023 Glossary for corruption and police misconduct allegations
IBAC's system of categorising allegations of public sector corruption and police misconduct allows us to quickly identify what each one is about, and any trends and issues across organisations and sectors.
Image of model in foreground looking to right, while an out of focus model in the background looks to the foreground model
Wednesday 29 Jun 2022 Conflicts of interest: myths, misconceptions and management
This resource highlights common myths and misconceptions around conflicts of interest to improve public officers' understanding and management of conflicts, and to strengthen public agencies' controls around conflicts of interest.