Guidance material

Reference guide: Managing an internal investigation into misconduct

This reference guide is a practical resource for Public Interest Disclosure (PID) Coordinators and any public sector employees who have responsibility for conducting internal investigations into alleged misconduct within their agency.

The guide applies to handling allegations of misconduct, whether they are internally managed or outsourced to an independent organisation to undertake on behalf of a public sector agency. The ability to conduct an effective internal misconduct 
investigation is essential for the day-to-day operation of a public sector agency. There are many types of misconduct investigations an agency may be required to undertake, including those into improper conduct, complaints of poor service, discrimination or harassment, unsafe work practices, unfair personnel decisions or inefficient business practices.

Public sector agencies should have their own policy in place to guide the commencement and management of an internal misconduct investigation. Based on the perspective of two of Victoria's key integrity agencies, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) and the Victorian Ombudsman, this reference guide highlights some of the key things to consider when an internal misconduct investigation may be required.


Please note: this guide is not a comprehensive instruction manual and it is recommended you seek your own legal advice and consult with your agency's internal unit responsible for integrity, governance and risk.