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You can help prevent corruption
We can all help prevent public sector corruption and make sure public funds are spent properly – maintaining Victoria's schools, hospitals, roads and other vital public services and projects.
How IBAC handles complaints
What we do with your complaint, including how we assess and act on it.
Your privacy
IBAC will protect your privacy if you make a complaint.


Woman stamping a document in front of a computer screen
Thursday 23 May 2024 Information sheet - How IBAC handles complaints
This fact sheet provides information about the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission’s (IBAC) process for handling complaints.
An image of a phone with an email icon (closed envelope), a laptop showing a chat bubble and a piece of paper with a pencil that has scrawled writing on it represented by horizontal lines
Thursday 23 May 2024 Information sheet - Making a complaint to IBAC
This fact sheet provides information about making a complaint to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC).
A series of fabric police badges next to each other
Thursday 22 Jun 2023 Serious incidents involving the use of police dogs
IBAC conducted a review of 15 Victoria Police oversight investigations involving incidents where dogs were used by police as force between August 2017 and July 2019.
Public sector representative image
Sunday 01 May 2022 Speak up to stop improper influence
Employees in the Victorian public sector should always make decisions in the best interests of the community, free from bias or favouritism.
Image of a CCTV Camera imposed against a rooftop and a blue sky. Photo by Nathy dog on Unsplash
Monday 07 Mar 2022 Operation Carlisle
IBAC's Operation Carlisle investigated allegations of corrupt conduct by a Corrections Victoria employee. The investigation did not substantiate the allegations but did identify corruption vulnerabilities in Corrections Victoria practices and procedures.
Thursday 16 Dec 2021 Operation Dawson
Operation Dawson was an investigation by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) into the alleged police personnel misconduct of then Superintendent Paul Rosenblum.