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You can help prevent corruption
We can all help prevent public sector corruption and make sure public funds are spent properly – maintaining Victoria's schools, hospitals, roads and other vital public services and projects.
How IBAC handles complaints
What we do with your complaint, including how we assess and act on it.
Your privacy
IBAC will protect your privacy if you make a complaint.


A vicroads building, unrelated to the investigation - displaying the vicroads logo prominently on two corners
Thursday 12 Nov 2020 Operation Barron
In April 2016, IBAC commenced an investigation into allegations a VicRoads employee engaged in serious corrupt conduct by accessing, altering and disclosing sensitive vehicle registration and licensing information without authorisation, and this information was then being disclosed to associates from outlaw motorcycle gangs.
A blue bycycle leaning against a wall, as a group of people, out of focus, walk down a heavily graffitied laneway in Melbournes sidestreets
Friday 09 Oct 2020 Operation Genoa
In early 2017, following a notification from Victoria Police, IBAC commenced an investigation called Operation Genoa that found a Detective Leading Senior Constable had engaged in unauthorised access, use and disclosure of police information.
Image of hands wresting on prison bars
Monday 05 Oct 2020 Operation Tarlo
In January 2018, IBAC commenced an investigation into allegations a corrections officer had introduced contraband into Fulham Correctional Centre, had inappropriate relationships with prisoners, and had unlawfully accessed information.
A Services Australia self-help terminal hosting 4 computers with partitions between them
Wednesday 30 Oct 2019 Corruption risks associated with government-funded human services delivered by community organisations
This information sheet highlights potential risks and drivers of corruption associated with government-funded human services delivered by community service organisations. It aims to raise awareness of these issues so funding agencies and regulators can assist community service organisations to identify, manage and prevent corruption risks.
A collection of binders all containing large amounts of papers along with yellow slips of paper acting as bookmarks. Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash
Friday 25 Oct 2019 Unauthorised access and disclosure of information held by the Victorian public sector
Public sector agencies manage a wide range of information. This includes personal health records and contact details as well as sensitive political and economic information and financial data. The appropriate handling and security of this information is imperative. Unauthorised access and disclosure of data and information undermines the credibility of the public sector and jeopardises trust in government agencies to responsibly manage public information and ensure personal information is managed carefully and securely.
Victoria police logo, featuring a star topped by a crown encircled by a laurel wreath
Wednesday 25 Sep 2019 Unauthorised access and disclosure of information held by Victoria Police
This report provides an overview of the key risks associated with unauthorised access and disclosure of information by Victoria Police employees. It explores the drivers of these risks, as well as potential prevention, reporting and detection measures.