Media Releases

Ground breaking anti-corruption community campaign starts today

For the first time messages helping people to identify and report public service corruption will appear in Victorian newspapers, on radio and online from today.

Developed by IBAC, Victoria’s anti-corruption commission, the When something’s not right. Report it.  campaign will help build understanding of corruption and encourage Victorians to report it. The campaign focuses on corruption in the Victorian public sector, including both state and local government agencies.

IBAC Chief Executive Officer Alistair Maclean said “IBAC is responsible for not only investigating and exposing corruption, but also informing Victorians about corruption and how to prevent it. This initiative will help to build understanding of what corruption is and will encourage Victorians to report public service corruption, in confidence to IBAC.

“Corruption involves a public sector employee behaving dishonestly and without integrity and can include behaviour such as taking or offering bribes, inappropriately awarding contracts to family or friends, and using or leaking privileged information for personal or financial benefit.

“The vast majority of Victorian public service employees do the right thing, behaving with integrity and honesty. However, as IBAC investigations have revealed, we cannot ignore the fact that corruption exists and has serious, adverse impacts on us all.

“Public sector corruption is not a victimless crime. It deprives the state of tax dollars that would have otherwise been used to run our schools, hospitals, transport and other vital public services. Identifying and reporting corruption is a major step towards achieving a corruption-resistant Victoria,” Mr Maclean said.

The campaign was informed by IBAC research and follows recent IBAC investigations into serious corrupt conduct in state government departments and agencies, local councils, as well as Victoria Police.

Media contact: or 0427 480 840.
Twitter: @IbacVic

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