Media Releases

IBAC charges former Castlemaine committee of management member with 46 offences

Victoria's anti-corruption Commission, IBAC, has charged one person with a total of 46 charges of obtaining property by deception.

The charges relate to an IBAC investigation, Operation Esk, into allegations of mismanagement of funds of the Wesley Hill Public Hall Committee of Management. The Wesley Hill Public Hall Committee of Management is responsible for the day to day running of the Wesley Hill Public Hall in Castlemaine.

The matter was referred to IBAC by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning under the mandatory notification requirements that came into effect in 2016. The requirements mean all heads of Victorian public sector departments and agencies, including Council CEOs, must by law notify IBAC of any matter they suspect on reasonable grounds involves corrupt conduct.

The first court appearance will be at the Castlemaine Magistrates' Court on 22 February 2019.

Media contact: or 0427 480 840

Editors please note: As this matter is now before the Court, no media interviews or further comment will be provided.

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