Media Releases

IBAC charges Victoria Police Inspector and Sergeant with 23 offences

Victoria's independent police oversight body, IBAC, today charged two Victoria Police officers with a range of offences including perjury, misconduct in public office, obtaining property by deception and theft.

Two officers, a Victoria Police Inspector and a Sergeant, were today charged with 23 offences.  The charges are the result of an IBAC investigation, Operation Salina, into allegations that a police officer fraudulently took possession of a number of vacant properties.

The charges are as follows:

  • The Inspector has been charged with three offences including perjury, making a statement which is false or misleading, and failing to produce a document or other thing.
  • The Sergeant has been charged with 20 offences including misconduct in public office, obtaining property by deception, and theft.

The matter concerning the Sergeant is scheduled to commence at Melbourne Magistrates' Court on 26 November 2018.

Proceedings for the Inspector are scheduled to commence at Geelong Magistrates' Court on 5 February 2019.

As this matter is now before the Courts, IBAC will make no further comment.

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