Media Releases

IBAC Operation Lansdowne public examinations to resume on 17 July

Public examinations by Victoria's anti-corruption commission into allegations of serious corruption involving the Victorian vocational education and training, and transport sectors will resume on Monday 17 July.

The examinations are part of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission's Operation Lansdowne.

When they resume, the examinations will focus primarily on allegations concerning regional public transport operator V/Line. These allegations concern the circumstances surrounding the recruitment of certain officers, and the engagement of certain contractors at V/Line.

They will also examine the sufficiency of V/Line’s systems and processes to ensure appropriate accountability for the expenditure of public money.

The first two weeks of the public examinations focussed on allegations of serious corrupt conduct at South West Institute of TAFE and Bendigo Kangan Institute. The examinations heard from 21 witnesses.

The examinations recommence on the afternoon of 17 July at 2 pm, at the County Court of Victoria in Melbourne. After 17 July, they will start at 10 am each sitting day. They are expected to conclude on July 21 and are open to the public.

The examinations are conducted by IBAC Commissioner, Mr Stephen O’Bryan QC. Counsel assisting is Mr Ian Hill QC with Ms Carmen Currie of the Victorian Bar.

For further details, including a summary of the scope and purpose of the examinations, download the Operation Lansdowne preliminary directions.

Anyone with information relevant to the investigation is encouraged to report it via our website or phone 1300 735 135.