Media Releases

IBAC requires a thorough and comprehensive investigation of falsified preliminary breath tests (PBT) by Victoria Police

Commissioner of IBAC, Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, The Honourable Robert Redlich QC said today that the falsification of the PBTs was deeply concerning to the Victorian community.

Commissioner Redlich said: "As Victoria’s independent police oversight body, IBAC is in ongoing discussions with Victoria Police about the scope of their investigation into the falsification of PBTs."

"IBAC's independent oversight of Victoria Police is one of our most important roles, and one we take very seriously. Police have significant powers and the community rightly expects them to use these powers honestly, responsibly and to perform their duties fairly, impartially and always in accordance with the law," Commissioner Redlich said.

"The evidence that Victoria Police officers have falsified tests is deeply concerning, as is the evidence of a culture that has enabled this to occur and not be detected or immediately dealt with," Commissioner Redlich said.

Commissioner Redlich confirmed IBAC was advised, as per the normal notification process between Victoria Police and IBAC, of a complaint made to Victoria Police about falsified PBT in September last year. In late February this year IBAC was advised of the results of the initial Victoria Police data analysis regarding the falsified PBT.

IBAC has been in discussions with Victoria Police since this notification in February about their proposed response to these issues.

"As the Victoria Police investigation and future actions are still being finalised, IBAC will continue to review the adequacy of the Victoria Police response to ensure it meets our requirements and community expectations," Commissioner Redlich said.

"The Victoria Police investigation must be robust, thorough and far reaching to address the clear opportunities to examine issues of culture, determine if there has been any criminality or serious breaches of discipline, and importantly, to ensure this sort of behaviour does not occur again," Commissioner Redlich said.

Commissioner Redlich also expressed concern that no police officers reported this clearly concerning conduct to Victoria Police command, or to IBAC.

"Victoria Police officers have a clear obligation not to turn a blind eye to any police misconduct, and to report it to Victoria Police or to IBAC so it can be thoroughly dealt with," Commissioner Redlich said.

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