IBAC Insights (newsletter)

Supporting Protected Disclosure Coordinators: Community of Practice update

In Victoria there is legislation to ensure people who report improper conduct and corruption in the Victorian public sector will be protected. Protections include keeping the identity of the person reporting improper conduct confidential, and protecting them from bullying, harassment or legal action.

All Victorian state government departments, administrative offices and local councils are required to appoint a protected disclosure coordinator, whose role is to receive reports of improper conduct and determine whether they should be referred to IBAC as potential protected disclosure complaints. Protected disclosure coordinators play an important role in instilling confidence and providing guidance and support to those who may be considering reporting improper conduct.

Sponsored by IBAC, a Protected Disclosure Community of Practice (PD CoP) was launched last year. Since then, two events have been held in Melbourne focusing on the practical needs of Victoria’s protected disclosure coordinators and other interested public sector professionals. These popular events were web streamed for participants who couldn’t attend in person. 

The PD CoP aims to create opportunities to share knowledge, and update skills and expertise to support Victoria's protected disclosure regime. Events are attended by employees of Victorian government departments and agencies, and local councils.

Knowledge shared through these events includes:

  • practical insights into the protected disclosure process
  • protected disclosure case-studies outlining challenges and lessons learned
  • risk management in the protected disclosure process
  • personal insights from those handling protected disclosure complaints.

The PD CoP will hold its annual Protected Disclosure Coordinator Forum in Melbourne in May 2019. Further information about this event will be available soon. If you’re interested in joining the Protected Disclosure Community of Practice, please contact us at engage@ibac.vic.gov.au.