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Wednesday 14 Dec 2022 Investigations and prosecutions update
Catch up on recent IBAC statements and updates about our operations and prosecutions. A summary of IBAC statements about some of our operations and prosecutions from October to December 2022. For more detail, please see our media releases, or follow @ibacVic on Twitter for our latest announcements.
Thursday 06 Oct 2022 Focus on witness welfare
IBAC takes our responsibility for the welfare of everyone involved with our work very seriously. We take steps to support witnesses and reduce their concerns to the extent possible.
Wednesday 12 Oct 2022 IBAC calls for improvements to Victoria's donation and lobbying regulations
IBAC's Special report on corruption risks associated with donations and lobbying sets out recommendations for significant improvements to be made to Victoria's donations and lobbying regulations across both state and local government.  
Tuesday 25 Oct 2022 Special report on misconduct issues and risks associated with Victoria Police's Critical Incident Response Team
In October, IBAC tabled its special report Police misconduct issues and risks associated with Victoria Police's Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT).  
Monday 12 Dec 2022 Message from the Commissioner
Welcome to the December edition of IBAC Insights; this is the final edition for 2022 and the final edition for me as IBAC Commissioner. 

In June 2015, IBAC finalised an investigation into allegations of serious corruption in the former Department of Transport and Public Transport Victoria (PTV).

Nine people and one company were charged with a range of fraud-related offences.


Responses to IBAC recommendations

To address issues identified in Operation Fitzroy, IBAC recommended PTV implement a program of procurement reforms and cultural change.

This major IBAC investigation examined the conduct of then senior officers of the Department of Education and Training (DET) and others, in connection with the use of 'banker schools' and related activities.

IBAC's investigation focused on allegations that senior departmental officers misappropriated funds from the Department’s budget, through false and inflated invoicing as well as arranging payment of inappropriate expenses such as excessive hospitality, travel and personal items.