Thursday 31 Mar 2022 Message from the Commissioner
Welcome to the March edition of IBAC Insights and our first for 2022. As I prefaced in our last edition, 2022 will be a significant year for IBAC with a number of investigations concluding and the associated reports to be published. The finalisation of several operations has been delayed because of ongoing litigation. The reports, when published, will each make recommendations as part of IBAC's prevention and education functions.
Thursday 16 Mar 2023 Complaints against Victoria Police up 14 per cent
IBAC's annual snapshot provides a valuable insight into the vital role IBAC plays in Victoria's police oversight system.
Friday 28 Oct 2016 The importance of robust, independent police oversight
Dr Cindy Davids, Associate Professor at Deakin University’s School of Law, discusses how independent oversight of police conduct is important in establishing, building and maintaining community confidence in police.  
Friday 03 Feb 2017 Empowering the public to prevent corruption
The Hon. Stephen Charles AO QC, former judge of the Victorian Court of Appeal, discusses IBAC’s community education campaign and the important role all Victorians can play in preventing corruption
Friday 07 Feb 2020 Former client of St Paul's Prevention Rehabilitation sentenced following IBAC investigation
A former client of St Paul’s Prevention Rehabilitation, Steven Sioulas, was yesterday convicted at the County Court of Victoria of trafficking cocaine and methylamphetamine and perverting the course of justice. The sentencing follows Operation Murano, an investigation by IBAC, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, into allegations of serious corruption at St Paul’s Prevention Rehabilitation, a registered charity based in Strathmore. IBAC charged Mr Sioulas in September 2017 with providing false urine samples and drug trafficking.
Whistleblower protections
Your information helps
Standard directions for public examinations
How you will be protected
Mental health support