Thursday 22 Oct 2020 Allegations of serious corrupt conduct in planning and property development decisions to resume public hearings
Public hearings into allegations of serious corrupt conduct in relation to planning and property development decisions at the Casey City Council will resume on 9 November, with public streaming of the hearings available.
Thursday 22 Oct 2020 Former Frankston City Council manager sentenced to imprisonment following IBAC investigation
Former Frankston City Council manager Andrew Williamson was today sentenced in the County Court to imprisonment following IBAC’s investigation, Operation Topi, into allegations of improper procurement practices at Frankston City Council.
Thursday 29 Oct 2020 IBAC continues to expose and prevent corruption during a challenging year
Victoria's independent anti-corruption agency, IBAC, continued to expose corruption and support the public sector, including Victoria Police, to build corruption resistance during a challenging year. Tabled to Parliament today, IBAC's annual report outlines IBAC's performance for 2019/20.
Thursday 05 Nov 2020 IBAC warns misuse of personal information held by local government can amount to corrupt conduct
Victorian councils need to improve how they protect the information they hold, according to a research report released today by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission.
Wednesday 11 Nov 2020 IBAC dismisses allegation of Vatican funds in Pell case
IBAC confirms it received information based on media reports which alleged Vatican funds were transferred to individuals in support of the recent case against George Pell. IBAC has reviewed the information and found the threshold to commence inquiries or an investigation was not met.
Monday 07 Dec 2020 IBAC invites public input to corruption hearings
Victoria's independent anti-corruption agency, IBAC, is inviting questions from the public and community stakeholders on how to address corruption risks identified by Operation Sandon, an investigation into allegations of serious corrupt conduct in relation to planning and property development decisions at the Casey City Council.
Tuesday 15 Dec 2020 IBAC's Operation Sandon public hearings conclude for 2020
IBAC public hearings into allegations of serious corrupt conduct in relation to planning and property development decisions at the Casey City Council have concluded for 2020.
Wednesday 23 Dec 2020 Acting IBAC Deputy Commissioner appointed
Victoria's Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, IBAC, today welcomed the appointment of Ms Kylie Kilgour as IBAC's new Acting Deputy Commissioner.
Wednesday 03 Mar 2021 Two Victoria Police officers have guilty verdicts and penalties re-imposed following appeal in County Court
Two Victoria Police officers have had their guilty verdicts and penalties re-imposed by Her Honour Judge Quin in the County Court of Victoria today.
Thursday 04 Mar 2021 Drug and alcohol counsellor from St Paul's Prevention Rehabilitation ordered to pay half a million dollars of misappropriated funds
The County Court of Victoria has ordered Anthony Dieni to pay $448,805.76 as part of a Pecuniary Penalty Order relating to a charge of false accounting. Mr Dieni misappropriated the government funds while employed as a drug and alcohol counsellor and coordinator at St Paul's Prevention Rehabilitation, a Strathmore-based charity.