
IBAC regional Public Interest Disclosures forum (Geelong)

A stylised banner showing various people and statistics about PIDs
9:30 am - 11:30 am

Reports and complaints about wrongdoing in the public sector are sometimes known as Public Interest Disclosures. Victoria's Public Interest Disclosure laws protect whistleblowers.

This free, in-person forum will showcase IBAC's new and improved resources for PID coordinators and other relevant roles.

It will feature short presentations, plus Q&A with:

  • David Wolf, Deputy Commissioner – IBAC
  • Stacey Killackey, Executive Director Legal, Assessment and Review and Compliance – IBAC
  • Megan O'Halloran, Acting Executive Director Prevention & Communication – IBAC (facilitator)
  • Rob Hocking, Assistant Ombudsman – Victorian Ombudsman (guest speaker)

Morning tea and refreshments will be provided.

This forum is for PID coordinators, integrity and governance officers, and leaders within Victorian state government departments, administrative offices and local councils. Please consider sharing with your networks.

Register now