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You can help prevent corruption
We can all help prevent public sector corruption and make sure public funds are spent properly – maintaining Victoria's schools, hospitals, roads and other vital public services and projects.
How IBAC handles complaints
What we do with your complaint, including how we assess and act on it.
Your privacy
IBAC will protect your privacy if you make a complaint.


Cover for the 2020/21 annual report
Friday 29 Oct 2021 Annual report 2020/21
This annual report outlines IBAC's work in the 2020/21 financial year to build a corruption-resistant Victorian public sector. It details our operational and financial performance, achievements, and how we work to prevent and expose public sector corruption and police misconduct.
december 2020 image
Tuesday 13 Apr 2021 IBAC annual plan 2020-21
IBAC's annual plan outlines the organisation's core work and priorities for the year and provides a budget overview.
cover image for report
Friday 30 Oct 2020 Annual report 2019/20
This annual report outlines IBAC's work in the 2019/20 financial year to build a corruption-resistant Victorian public sector. It details our operational and financial performance, achievements, and how we work to prevent and expose public sector corruption and police misconduct. This report is a key accountability document and one way we report on our activities and outcomes to our stakeholders: the Parliament of Victoria, Victoria Police, public sector leaders and employees, and the Victorian community.
image taken from cover of annual report
Tuesday 29 Oct 2019 Annual report 2018/19
This annual report outlines IBAC's work in 2018/19 to build a corruption-resistant Victorian public sector. It details our operational and financial performance, highlights achievements, reflects on challenges, and looks at how we plan to prevent and expose public sector corruption and police misconduct in the year ahead.
A diagonal line, going from left to right, comprised of three triangles, with the leftmost being purple, the middle being light grey and the right being dark grey
Wednesday 18 Sep 2019 Procurement Plans
IBAC procurement plans, spanning from 2019-2022.
a collection of purple and grey triangles that intersect, taken from the graphic on the front page of the report
Saturday 22 Sep 2018 Annual report 2017/18
IBAC's annual report 2017/18 provides information on our progress to achieving our vision of a corruption resistant Victoria. It reports on our operational and financial performance, highlights key challenges and achievements, and looks at how we will continue to expose and prevent corruption and misconduct in the year ahead.