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You can help prevent corruption
We can all help prevent public sector corruption and make sure public funds are spent properly – maintaining Victoria's schools, hospitals, roads and other vital public services and projects.
How IBAC handles complaints
What we do with your complaint, including how we assess and act on it.
Your privacy
IBAC will protect your privacy if you make a complaint.


A diagonal line, going from left to right, comprised of three triangles, with the leftmost being purple, the middle being light grey and the right being dark grey
Monday 23 Jul 2018 IBAC corporate plan 2018-21
This corporate plan identifies the opportunities and challenges we face in identifying, exposing and preventing public sector corrupt conduct and police misconduct, and how we will address these.
A purple chart showing that mandatory notifications submitted comprise of 33% departments, 23% all other state authorities and offices, and, 44% local council
Friday 23 Feb 2018 Mandatory notifications progress report
In 2016, the Victorian Parliament introduced legislation that made mandatory the notification of suspected corrupt conduct to IBAC, by Relevant Principal Officers (heads of Victorian government departments, agencies and council CEOs). This report provides a brief overview of the mandatory notification regime in Victoria, after its first 12 months of operation.
A circle comprised of various shaped and sized purple triangles.
Wednesday 20 Dec 2017 IBAC's first five years
This report provides a summary of IBAC's key activities and achievements during our foundation years, along with highlighting some challenges and future opportunities. It is not intended to constitute a comprehensive performance report, and should be read in conjunction with IBAC's published annual reports.
A series of purple triangles displayed in a geometric pattern
Friday 22 Sep 2017 Annual report 2016/17
IBAC's annual report 2016/17 provides information on our progress to achieving our vision of a corruption resistant Victoria. It reports on our operational and financial performance, highlights key challenges and achievements, and looks at how we will continue to expose and prevent corruption and misconduct in the year ahead.
a grey background with a white square on the bottom left and a purple triangle on the right
Wednesday 14 Sep 2016 Annual report 2015/16
IBAC's annual report 2015/16 provides information on our progress to achieving our vision of a corruption resistant Victoria. It reports on our operational and financial performance, highlights key challenges and achievements, and looks at how we will continue to expose and prevent corruption and misconduct in the year ahead.
A series of purple triangles displayed in a geometric pattern
Thursday 21 Jan 2016 Review of protected disclosure procedures - progress report
This report assess the progress made by state and local government entities that were not meeting their obligations around protected disclosures almost two years after the PID Act came into effect.