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You can help prevent corruption
We can all help prevent public sector corruption and make sure public funds are spent properly – maintaining Victoria's schools, hospitals, roads and other vital public services and projects.
How IBAC handles complaints
What we do with your complaint, including how we assess and act on it.
Your privacy
IBAC will protect your privacy if you make a complaint.


graphic of a diverse group of community members
Tuesday 27 Sep 2022 Working with diverse communities
IBAC's Executive Director of Prevention and Communication, Linda Timothy, chats to the Victorian Commissioner for LGBTIQ+ Communities, Todd Fernando, about the work his Commission is doing and how we can all improve the way we work with diverse people.
corruption prevention strategy thumbnail
Wednesday 21 Sep 2022 IBAC's Corruption Prevention Strategy 2021-24
In 2020 IBAC undertook a review of its corruption prevention strategy to consider the latest research on best practice in contemporary corruption prevention. This work informed the development of IBAC's Corruption Prevention Strategy 2021-24.
purple triangles fading
Wednesday 21 Sep 2022 IBAC Annual Plan 2022/23
IBAC's Annual Plan 2022/23 outlines the organisation's priorities for the next twelve months, and provides a budget overview.
David Wolf headshot
Wednesday 29 Jun 2022 IBAC's process from complaint through to investigation
From complaint through to investigation, understanding IBAC's process with Deputy Commissioner David Wolf.
Hands holding up a sign that says 'WE ARE EQUAL!'
Monday 04 Apr 2022 IBAC Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-23
To help strengthen gender equality at IBAC and guide our interactions with the public sector and community, we've developed a Gender Equality Action Plan.
graphic of a diverse group of community members
Wednesday 30 Mar 2022 IBAC's Focus Communities Strategy
IBAC's Focus Communities Strategy is part of our commitment to ensuring IBAC is accessible, accountable and engaged with our community. The Strategy focuses on how IBAC interacts with members of three identified communities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, LGBTIQ+ communities and multicultural communities.