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You can help prevent corruption
We can all help prevent public sector corruption and make sure public funds are spent properly – maintaining Victoria's schools, hospitals, roads and other vital public services and projects.
How IBAC handles complaints
What we do with your complaint, including how we assess and act on it.
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Image of model in foreground looking to right, while an out of focus model in the background looks to the foreground model
Wednesday 29 Jun 2022 Conflicts of interest: myths, misconceptions and management
This resource highlights common myths and misconceptions around conflicts of interest to improve public officers' understanding and management of conflicts, and to strengthen public agencies' controls around conflicts of interest.
Hands holding up a sign that says 'WE ARE EQUAL!'
Monday 04 Apr 2022 IBAC Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-23
To help strengthen gender equality at IBAC and guide our interactions with the public sector and community, we've developed a Gender Equality Action Plan.
Image of a CCTV Camera imposed against a rooftop and a blue sky. Photo by Nathy dog on Unsplash
Monday 07 Mar 2022 Operation Carlisle
IBAC's Operation Carlisle investigated allegations of corrupt conduct by a Corrections Victoria employee. The investigation did not substantiate the allegations but did identify corruption vulnerabilities in Corrections Victoria practices and procedures.
Tall buildings of either side of the Yarra river, in Melbourne, at sunset. Photo by Jesse G-C on Unsplash
Monday 01 Mar 2021 IBAC Strategic Assessment
The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, IBAC, regularly assesses corruption risks and trends across Victorian state government and local councils. We consult widely to gauge areas most at risk of corruption and identify emerging risks. This helps direct corruption prevention activities strategically to prevent vital public services being undermined, official positions being misused, and public resources being stolen. Here are the main findings from our latest research conducted in 2019/20.
Wodonga council offices building facade
Thursday 17 Dec 2020 Operation Eden
An investigation of allegations Wodonga City Council officers were showing favouritism to developers in return for benefits.
A series of laps out of focus, showing attendees at an event taking notes. Photo by The Climate Reality Project on Unsplash
Thursday 28 Mar 2019 Local government integrity frameworks review
IBAC's Local government integrity frameworks review provides a snapshot of the integrity frameworks examined in a sample of six Victorian councils and highlights examples of good practices and possible areas for improvement.