Wednesday 29 Jun 2022 Investigations, determinations and prosecutions update
Prosecutions arising from IBAC investigations are an important mechanism for exposing public sector corruption and police misconduct. They highlight the impact and consequences for those involved, which can include jail terms, confiscation of assets, fines and community corrections orders. Shining a light on corruption and misconduct also helps public sector agencies and police strengthen their practices to prevent it.
Thursday 29 Sep 2022 Message from the Commissioner
Welcome to the September edition of IBAC Insights. As the end of the year fast approaches, many will be aware, the end of my five-year term at IBAC is also very near. Despite this, the next few months will see a significant amount of work take place. In our last edition I mentioned we are working to publish several important reports, and the finalisation of a number of operations remains delayed because of ongoing litigation. The reports, when published, will each make recommendations as part of IBAC's prevention and education functions.
Thursday 29 Sep 2022 Investigations and prosecutions update
Prosecutions arising from IBAC investigations are an important mechanism for exposing public sector corruption and police misconduct. They highlight the impact and consequences for those involved, which can include jail terms, confiscation of assets, fines and community corrections orders. Shining a light on corruption and misconduct also helps public sector agencies and police strengthen practices to prevent it.
Saturday 31 Dec 2022 Survey results show perceptions of public sector corruption and police misconduct are on the rise
Every few years, IBAC surveys state and local government employees, Victoria Police employees, business suppliers and the Victorian community to better understand perceptions of corruption and police misconduct at their workplaces, and more broadly. The surveys help IBAC to understand emerging issues, and to inform our prevention and education activities. The findings also help educate public sector agencies about possible gaps and opportunities to address corruption risks and vulnerabilities and enhance prevention and education activities.
Thursday 29 Sep 2022 Recognising and preventing corruption
By Linda Timothy, Executive Director of Prevention and Communication As the corruption risks facing the Victorian public sector evolve, it is critical for IBAC to continually reassess how we can best work with the public sector and the integrity system to address corruption risks and support public sector agencies to build strong capability to prevent corruption and misconduct.
Wednesday 05 Dec 2012 Poll shows Victorians believe corruption has increased
A survey partnership between the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) and The Australia National University (ANU) on the prevalence and perception of corruption in Victoria has revealed that nearly 50% of the 500 Victorians polled believed that corruption had increased over the last three years.
Thursday 11 Oct 2012 The first 100 days - from Ron Bonighton, Acting Commissioner, IBAC
When the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) commenced on 1 July 2012, a momentous task lay ahead – to establish Victoria’s first public body responsible for the prevention, detection and investigation of serious corruption across the entire Victorian Public Sector and for all levels of police personnel conduct and corruption.
Thursday 06 Dec 2012 IBAC addresses Fraud & Corruption Conference
Raising public awareness of how to report corruption, and building the profile of IBAC were just some of the initiatives raised by Acting Commissioner Ron Bonighton in his key note address to the 18th Annual Public Sector Fraud & Corruption Conference today in Melbourne.
Wednesday 17 Apr 2013 IBAC welcomes appointment of Deputy Commissioner
IBAC welcomes the appointment of Mr Andrew Kirkham AM, RFD, QC as Deputy Commissioner, IBAC.
Wednesday 12 Jun 2013 IBAC rolls out information sessions on whistle-blower protections
The Independent Broad-Based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) is working with public sector agencies and local government to protect people who report public mal-administration, misconduct and corruption.