Thursday 06 Jun 2019 IBAC charges Victoria Police officer
Victoria's independent police oversight body, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC), has charged a Victoria Police officer with three counts of disclosing a restricted matter.
Wednesday 19 Jun 2019 Former Corrections Victoria officer sentenced following IBAC investigation
A former Corrections Victoria officer from Loddon Prison has today been sentenced to 15 months in prison with a seven month non-parole period following an investigation by Victoria's independent anti-corruption commission, IBAC.
Wednesday 26 Jun 2019 IBAC appeals for eyewitnesses to recent incident in Fitzroy
IBAC, Victoria's independent police oversight body, is appealing to anyone who may have witnessed an incident near Hares & Hyenas Bookshop on Johnston Street Fitzroy shortly after 2am on Saturday 11 May 2019 to contact them.
Thursday 27 Jun 2019 Victorian state government agencies exploring new ways to detect and prevent corruption
A review released today by the state's anti-corruption commission, IBAC, has found Victorian state government agencies are increasingly aware of corruption risks and exploring new ways to detect and prevent corrupt conduct, such as use of data analytics and the appointment of risk champions.
Friday 30 Aug 2019 IBAC to audit Victoria Police handling of complaints by Aboriginal People
As part of its role to provide independent oversight of Victoria Police, IBAC is conducting an audit of Victoria Police handling of complaints by Aboriginal people.
Monday 02 Sep 2019 Statement on IBAC investigation into conduct of the former Assistant Commissioner of Victoria Police Professional Standards Command
IBAC's investigation, Operation Turon, into allegations about the conduct of former Assistant Commissioner of Professional Standards Command, Brett Guerin, has recently concluded.
Wednesday 04 Sep 2019 IBAC seeking new CEO
Victoria's anti-corruption commission will be looking for a new Chief Executive Officer, following a decision of the current CEO, Mr Alistair Maclean, to resign. Mr Maclean has led the organisation for the past 6 and a half years and will remain in the role until the end of the year.
Thursday 05 Sep 2019 New independent member appointed to IBAC Audit and Risk Management Committee
Jennifer Johanson, an experienced non-executive director in financial services, education and the not-for-profit sector has recently been appointed to IBAC’s Audit and Risk Management Committee.
Wednesday 25 Sep 2019 IBAC flags risks of Victoria Police information being misused or falling into the wrong hands
Victoria Police needs to improve the way it manages personal information it holds about Victorians to make sure it is not misused or falls into the wrong hands, according to a report released today by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC).
Monday 30 Sep 2019 IBAC investigations uncover significant corruption risks in council procurement
Local councils need to consider the way they manage procurement to reduce risks of corruption, according to IBAC, the state’s anti-corruption commission.