Wednesday 19 Dec 2018 Keeping it confidential
IBAC Principal Lawyer Philip Hill outlines the importance of confidentiality in protecting those who report corruption and misconduct. This is an abridged version of the article 'Who Can they Tell?', published in the December 2018 issue of the Law Institute Journal.
Wednesday 19 Dec 2018 Room for improvement in public sector employment practices
IBAC CEO Alistair Maclean discusses the findings of IBAC’s recent report on corruption and misconduct risks associated with employment practices in the Victorian public sector.
Wednesday 19 Dec 2018 Organisational culture key to whistleblower wellbeing
Presenting at the inaugural Whistleblowing, new rules, new policies, new vision conference, Professor A J Brown delivered new research highlighting the importance of organisational culture and risk management assessments on the wellbeing of whistleblowers.
Thursday 28 Mar 2019 Supporting Protected Disclosure Coordinators: Community of Practice update
In Victoria there is legislation to ensure people who report improper conduct and corruption in the Victorian public sector will be protected. Protections include keeping the identity of the person reporting improper conduct confidential, and protecting them from bullying, harassment or legal action.
Thursday 28 Mar 2019 Building trust in local government
Councils exist to serve their communities. They are entrusted with a range of decision making powers so they can govern in the best interests of their communities. Scrutiny of local government is important and should be welcomed.
Thursday 28 Mar 2019 The road to recovery; the aftermath of an ethical breach
Following investigations like IBAC's Operations Ord and Dunham, the Victorian chapter of the Institute of Public Administration Australia Victoria (IPAA) has developed – with the support of the Victorian Secretaries' Board and the Victorian Public Sector Commission – a program on integrity and ethics for public sector senior executives. The program is called the Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program (IELP).
Thursday 27 Jun 2019 Avoiding ethical failure
Understanding how we elude integrity is the first step toward doing the right thing. How could an Australian cricketer rub a cricket ball with sandpaper, knowingly doing the wrong thing in front of a crowd of 30,000 people and millions of television viewers as though nothing were happening?
Wednesday 25 Sep 2019 Who's corrupt?
A few years ago the Australian author James Boyce published a remarkable book called Born Bad, which traces the history of the doctrine of original sin in Christianity and beyond. Boyce makes a strong case that many modern and post-modern takes on humankind, including Freud and Nietzsche, build on original sin. And so it is in the study of corruption. A kind of 'it’s in our bones' argument often stops people from thinking hard about what to do and how.
Wednesday 25 Sep 2019 Actual and perceived conflicts of interest: Why both matter
Trust and confidence hold our society together. Trust in public institutions plays an important part in this and it’s founded on the principle that officials will prioritise public interest over personal interests when making decisions.
Wednesday 25 Sep 2019 Improving Victoria's protected disclosure legislation
In 2012 Victoria introduced legislation to consolidate and extend protection of people making protected disclosure complaints about public sector corruption or police misconduct. The system has evolved through a number of changes since then including recent changes, passed in February 2019, that come into effect on 1 January 2020 with the commencement of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012.