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You can help prevent corruption
We can all help prevent public sector corruption and make sure public funds are spent properly – maintaining Victoria's schools, hospitals, roads and other vital public services and projects.
How IBAC handles complaints
What we do with your complaint, including how we assess and act on it.
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Monday 01 Jul 2024 Gifts, benefits & hospitality policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission's (IBAC) position on IBAC officers:responding to offers of gifts, benefits and hospitalityproviding gifts, benefits and hospitality.This policy supports IBAC officers to avoid conflicts of interest and maintain high levels of integrity and public trust.
Public sector representative image
Sunday 01 May 2022 Speak up to stop improper influence
Employees in the Victorian public sector should always make decisions in the best interests of the community, free from bias or favouritism.
A black and white stethoscope on white cloth. Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on unsplash
Friday 30 Apr 2021 Operation Meroo
An IBAC investigation into allegations that the former CEO of a Victorian regional health service misused their position and engaged in corrupt conduct, including that they subverted procurement processes and failed to declare and manage conflicts of interest.
Tall buildings of either side of the Yarra river, in Melbourne, at sunset. Photo by Jesse G-C on Unsplash
Monday 01 Mar 2021 IBAC Strategic Assessment
The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, IBAC, regularly assesses corruption risks and trends across Victorian state government and local councils. We consult widely to gauge areas most at risk of corruption and identify emerging risks. This helps direct corruption prevention activities strategically to prevent vital public services being undermined, official positions being misused, and public resources being stolen. Here are the main findings from our latest research conducted in 2019/20.
A green V next to the words 'vic roads'
Friday 12 Jan 2018 Operation Helena
Operation Helena was an investigation into allegations that former VicRoads employees obtained unlawful benefits from suppliers.
Thursday 31 Aug 2017 Operation Charnley
In February 2016, IBAC received a complaint concerning allegations a councillor was involved in serious corrupt conduct while an elected representative of a municipal city council. It was alleged the councillor received gifts and benefits in exchange for awarding council grants to a local businessman.