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We can all help prevent public sector corruption and make sure public funds are spent properly – maintaining Victoria's schools, hospitals, roads and other vital public services and projects.
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A circle composed of purple triangles with the words 'ibac insights' next to it
Wednesday 29 Mar 2023 IBAC insights issue 35
The March 2023 issue of IBAC Insights includes features: our Operation Clara special report, a snapshot of our police oversight work, research on corruption risks with major infrastructure projects, our campaign calling on the public sector to speak up to stop improper influence, podcasts, webinars and and more.​    
A snippet of an infographic showing various numbers and icons related of statistics found within the main report
Thursday 16 Mar 2023 IBAC's independent oversight of Victoria Police – 2022 (infographic)
A snapshot of IBAC's police oversight work between 1 January and 31 December 2022.
construction site overview
Monday 27 Feb 2023 Corruption risks associated with major transport infrastructure projects
Victorian major infrastructure projects make up a complex sector that receives billions of taxpayer dollars each year. The 2022-23 Victorian State Budget committed $3.5 billion to public transport services and infrastructure. These major projects are under pressure to complete constructions and provide essential buildings and services for Victorians. The Victorian community expects major infrastructure projects to be managed with integrity to ensure public funds are handled appropriately, and to minimise the risks of corruption.
Close up of two business professionals shaking hands
Wednesday 22 Feb 2023 Operation Clara
Operation Clara was an investigation by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) into the alleged corrupt conduct of Mr Theo Theophanous in his role on the board of the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA). In January 2020, IBAC commenced Operation Clara to determine if a former Victorian Government Minister misused his public position on the board of the VPA to favour the Australian Education City (AEC) consortium in their East Werribee project proposal, or attempted to improperly influence public officers involved in the East Werribee project.
Cover for 2020/21 corporate report (abstract purple triangles)
Tuesday 20 Dec 2022 Annual report 2021/22
This annual report outlines IBAC's work in the 2021/22 financial year to build a corruption-resistant Victorian public sector. It details our operational and financial performance, achievements, and how we work to prevent and expose public sector corruption and police misconduct.
Thursday 15 Dec 2022 IBAC Operating Model
The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission’s (IBAC’s) Operating Model is a visual representation and description of how we work to deliver public value to the Victorian community.