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You can help prevent corruption
We can all help prevent public sector corruption and make sure public funds are spent properly – maintaining Victoria's schools, hospitals, roads and other vital public services and projects.
How IBAC handles complaints
What we do with your complaint, including how we assess and act on it.
Your privacy
IBAC will protect your privacy if you make a complaint.


Police personnel and map of Victoria under magnifying glass
Wednesday 17 Apr 2024 IBAC's independent oversight of Victoria Police – 2023 (infographic)
A snapshot of IBAC's police oversight work between 1 January and 31 December 2023.
Wednesday 17 Apr 2024 Strategic assessment of Victoria Police 2022–23
IBAC conducts strategic assessments of Victoria Police every two years. We use the information gathered to produce internal intelligence alerts and briefs. These inform IBAC’s decision making, planning and priorities.
Tuesday 12 Dec 2023 Victoria Police’s responses to IBAC’s recommendations
This special report is an opportunity to increase transparency and accountability around Victoria Police’s responses to IBAC recommendations and signals IBAC's intention to report on them on a regular basis.
Coming Together (artwork © 2023 Heather Kennedy, all rights reserved)
Friday 03 Nov 2023 Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan
The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission's (IBAC) vision is for a public sector and police that acts with integrity for all Victorians.  IBAC recognises the challenges faced by people making a complaint to IBAC, whether these challenges arise from social, economic, or cultural factors, or the perennial challenge of speaking out.
A series of purple triangles overlapping each other, with the words 'annual report, 2022/23' imposed in white on top of them
Tuesday 31 Oct 2023 Annual report 2022/23
This Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) annual report describes operational and financial performance, achievements and work undertaken in 2022/23 to prevent and expose public sector corruption and police misconduct.
Ibac insights issue 37 cover image
Wednesday 27 Sep 2023 IBAC Insights issue 37
This issue features Acting Commissioner Stephen Farrow on IBAC’s latest operations and reports, as well as public sector risk profiles, perceptions of corruption survey results, and new resources.